Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It Is Just TV!

Ok I feel stupid. I have been looking hoping and waiting for a new episode of girlfriends and it is gone been gone since February! Now I read that they will not even get a season finale! All that money they brought to your network CW and you drop them. Personally if you did not have girlfriends when you changed from UPN to CW you would not be where you are right now. CW was pumping girlfriends before they began as CW. See how people treat you that is why you have to have your own. Why not start over on TV one! I would stop watching CW altogether if they did not have the Game. That is the only time I watch CW other than that I watch somethingelse we used to have black Mondays! Well if we had it once we will have it again.

Did ABC do the same to Heroes? Did they cancel that show without notification? I can see pushing Daisies (a show on CBS) not coming back it was a fledgling but Heroes. If ER came back why not Heroes, I going to have to go back to reading! Upon further reading Tim Kring gave some reason "With a show like Heroes that's so strongly serialized, and given what we wanted to accomplish with the new storyline, to come back with just three episodes could be creatively dangerous." Whatever!

It is just TV like I tell my daughter. I need to lead by example. Because you see my nerves are all tied up and it is just TV.


QueenDBW said...

I must confess, I'm guilty too!! I have been kind of disappointed in The Game since the season restarted...I'm holding out with the hopes that it will get back to where it was, though.

And I cannot wait for Heroes to come back!! It was the one thing that made Mondays tolerable!!!

Nik said...


Heroes is NOT Just TV. *lol*

It is the most amazing drama EVER written.

QueenDBW said...

Sorry, Nik. I stand corrected...LOL!!