Monday, November 03, 2008


Halloween was great. You tell we are really in a depression way less houses offering candy than the years before. the ridley's stopped by. I was amazed they were witches too! Even Mekhi had on a costume he was Mummy's boy! And at first he was not going to go with us but daddy had to work so I bundled him up. The pakn was to get out of the car and walk around but with the house giving out candy so few and far in between i just drove. Now when I was little I would have killed to drive from house to house neighborhood to neighborhood. Any way so Mekhi was bundled up for nothing. He was probrably sweating!

Poor Lela she did all that work only to get in trouble. She still hasn't eaten her Halloween candy!

1 comment:

Virtuous said...

Cute cute!
Love that the baby had our E.E. blanket on him!! :oD