My blog layout was created by Allie Brown( click on the title to go to her page). Cute ain't it! Now that I am reunited with my photoshop. I really missed it. I have tried my hand at creating cellphone wallpaper Even made my own birth announcement. Digital scrapbooking has so much potential!I took the same 4x6 announcement and made a desktop wallpaper just increased the size. I am smokin!
Homecoming was a blast. A&T's and Livingstone's. Livinstone's was the homecoming of the century everybody came back there was at least 11 of 25 of my Line sisiters there. Now last year was our 10yr anniversary and only 7 showed up! but I am thankful for all who did show up. Tashia and May were there we have not seen them in what 5 years. Octavia showed up too. See homecoming of the century. I was like it is going to snow. You know the weather man was calling for frost that monday! Put it this way homecoming was so great i almost brought my children just so i would not miss the game! And I dont bring my children becasue I do not want to be mama at homecoming.